A Rhizomatic Mapping of TCR Spaces and Action Sites

Rhizomatic mapping involves learning from heterogeneous spaces, oriented towards experimentation in contact with “the real”. This track applies rhizomatic thinking, derived from the work of Deleuze and Guattari, to identify and create new possibilities for knowing and action across TCR projects. By encouraging a rhizomatic view of transformative consumer research, we aim to develop useful conceptual language that characterises its treatment of consumer well-being in non-linear, non-hierarchical, decentered, horizontal ways. We also aim to empirically identify new insights and connections from disparate data to evidence the contribution of rhizomatic thinking to TCR and as a guiding theory of method which acknowledges the complexities of sites of action.

Track Leaders

Martina Hutton (martina.Hutton@winchester.ac.uk) is Senior Lecturer in Marketing at the University of Winchester, UK. Her work focuses on the application of political economic analysis, egalitarian theory and psychological health constructs to examine economic vulnerability, deprived consumption and marketplace exclusion. As a qualitative PEFT researcher (Participatory, Emancipatory, Feminist, Transformative), she actively engages with diverse groups of people experiencing economic difficulties and the community stakeholders who represent their interests.  Since 2011 she has been an active contributor to TCR on issues relating to poverty, vulnerability, marketplace trauma and food access.
Joel Hietanen (joel.hietanen@aalto.fi) is Associate Professor at the Consumer Society Research Centre, University of Helsinki. His work focuses on non-representational theorizing both in consumer research and organization theory. Recently he spent most of the summer reading scholars of a ‘dark’ Deleuzian inclination and Guattari’s single-authored work in the sun.